2017 Woman of the Year National Finalist Claire Wills lost 63 kilograms with her diet.
Nurse student Claire Wills became a role model for the social media users who want to lose weight. Claire Wills shared her diet program with her followers and gave advices to her followers who want to lose weight.
Before, Claire was a lazy girl and she did not do any fitness activity. Also she was drinking alcohol too much. She said “Everything starts in the mind”
Today Claire run too much and she looks like a professional athlete. Also she changed her life in terms of nutrition. She gave up consuming alcohol and started to eat protein basis foods.
Claire Wills posted her before and after pictures from her Instagram page and got too many positive comments from her followers. One of her follower said “She is a real legend” and other said “What you did is inspirational”
Note: Photograph taken from Claire Wills's Instagram page.