I experienced the transformation of the dream into concrete in an innovative, futuristic, new generation factory that follows the technological advancements of the sector in the scope of diaper components for the hygiene sector.
Interview : Burcu Tuna
Location; Gaziantep.. A unique facility established on an area of 10.000 m2. The main entrance to the facility has the consistency of a space station. It's not like commonplace manufacturing facilities that you know. Everywhere is orderly and immaculate. Every object you look at has a background to a sterile story.
I would like to introduce you to the founding partners of Baft Hygenic, Burak Saraylı and Aykut Dörtkol.
Burak SARAYLI was born in Istanbul in 1979. After completing his high school education at Sultanahmet Technical Schools Mechanical Department; He completed his higher education as a Mechanical Engineer. He provides technical support services (MRO) in the food sector and continues to sign invention-registered creative projects as a founding partner in the hygiene sector.
Aykut DÖRTKOL was born in Istanbul in 1978. He is a Chemical Engineer. Apart from the sector, he received Foreign Trade training and Foreign Language education. After gaining experience on import and export, he turned his attention to the hygiene sector. He continues to represent our country both in domestic and international markets with his production-based Research and Development studies and innovative activities for the sector.
What do you think a woman who was tired of washing dirty diapers did? Of course, she invented the disposable diaper. Marion Donovan the inventress of diapers, whose product kicked off a demand boom in New York in 1949. I have not shared with you any subject that I have no experience. Since I have no experience with diapers, I’d like to ask the partners, you men have taken over the diapers invented by a mother. How and why the diaper industry?
A.DÖRTKOL: The history of diapers began with a great evolution in the early 1800s. At that time, cloth diapers were used. However, these were rarely washed and simply dried before reapplying. Over time, parents began to understand the importance of protecting diapers and, more importantly, the baby's skin. Soon the diapers began to improve somewhat as well as hygiene.
B.SARAYLI : There was a bit of a revolution in the 1940s, but the big development in disposable diapers happened in the 60s and 70s. In the 1950s, there was another major change in diapers. Extra layers of cotton were placed in the middle of the diaper, creating a layer that was right-sized for most babies.
A.DÖRTKOL: As you mentioned, Marion Donovan the inventress of baby diapers created a sealed diaper panty that went on sale in 1949. Along with sealed panties, disposable paper diapers were developed. The idea took hold so much that Donovan was unable to meet the demand and sold the patent to Keko Corp., a company that had the power to produce diapers.
B.SARAYLI : As much as the idea, the feasibility of that idea, power and finance actually come into play.
B. TUNA: Are you financially able to meet worldwide demands?
B.SARAYLI : If we set out on a journey for this purpose, it must be.
A.DÖRTKOL : We are strong in Turkish, European, African, Middle Eastern, South and North American markets.
B.SARAYLI : And very new news, we are now in Jordan Market
B. TUNA : Great news. Congratulations. A mother has invented, fathers are improving it. Our babies are entrusted to our "fathers". You produce a new generation frontal tapes with utility model registration.
A.DÖRTKOL: We have renewed the strategically important frontal tapes in baby and patient diapers with our invention called innovative, utility model. Without the use of chemicals, we have obtained a hygienic, healthy product. This product also provided energy and production save and took place as a "utility model" in the markets.
B.SARAYLI: We know that we are responsible for all types of human-induced carbon emissions in nature. Our factory is the "new generation" as you call ... We love our world. In order to avoid uncontrolled human activities, we have created smart production lines utilizing digital technology with industry 4.0.
B. TUNA : I congratulate you on your unique utility model in the world. Burak is a mechanical engineer. Aykut is a chemical engineer. You are both taking steps not only as fathers but also as human beings being aware of the legacy which you will leave for the future.
A.DÖRTKOL: We received a Reach Declaration certificate from Germany.
B.SARAYLI: In accordance with the EU regulations, Environmental Awareness Certificate is the necessary document for companies whose products to be exported to EU countries. We ensure the access of the product to the European market by providing the mandatory registration of chemicals.
A.DÖRTKOL : We care about human health and nature. We just built up our export power through this document. We’re well aware of the fact that our potential customers, baby diaper and adult diaper companies are also sensitive to the matter.
B.TUNA : Why Gaziantep?
B.SARAYLI : Gaziantep owns a significant market share in the diaper sector. It is also strategically located in terms of its proximity to the Turkic Republics and the Middle Eastern markets. This saves us time, transfer and diesel as well.
B.TUNA : So what is the Nonwoven fabric you use?
B.SARAYLI : It’s abrasion resistant. It has high absorbency. Nonwoven fabric proves sufficient resistance to cleaning solvents when wet and dry.
B.TUNA : You have a pattern model and signature on the products. Since I am a yardman, it reminded me of the sea waves.
A.DÖRTKOL : We developed a patented pattern model on behalf of the company. Yep, this was our charming signature. Beware of imitations. We sign our products with our machinery made by Gold Art the roofing company of ours.
B.SARAYLI : Once I became a Mechanical Engineer, I designed a special machine with my Gold Art team. By no means, I will give any recipes on that. However, after the completion of baby and patient diapers, we are also in the preparation of a project where we have developed a special "cleaning cloth" product that will carry the water wave to our sailor friends.
B.TUNA : That’s great news. So you're setting sail to the blue, too. I see that the pandemic and the earthquake have not deterred you. By clinging on to life, you have provided employment to dozens of individuals and made a serious investment.
A.DÖRTKOL : We will never back down. We are just walking by branding, growing targets and institutionalizing.
B.TUNA : During the ceremony I personally attended, I noticed that you are also involved in social responsibility projects.
A.DÖRTKOL: With the support of my spouse, we shouldered the sponsorship of Gaziantep Basketball Club Girls Team. We try to support them as much as we can. We care about our daughters. In terms of employment, our female staff is in majority. We will always stand by them with positive discrimination.
B.SARAYLI : They will be in the national team one day. We will be proud of them.
A.DÖRTKOL: We started to work for our fairy tale books that we will gift to our mothers with our solution partner brands.
B.TUNA : Awesome news. I also met the dear friend of the factory.
B.SARAYLI : Baft is our Sivas kangal dog. He’s like our son. So to speak, our dear friends are also entrusted to us.
A.DÖRTKOL : We are well aware of life, nature, our dear friends, our mothers and our children; but most of all we are well aware of our future. We, as people who feed on goodness and not what others insist, will continue to proceed in good conscience on the path that we know is right.
B.SARAYLI : As Aykut said, the legacy we will bequeath to our daughters will be conscience, awareness, being a good person and honest trade.
A.DÖRTKOL : The world will be a good place one day. Maybe with us, or without us. Our fundamental goal is to do right things for our future.
Note to the Reader: It is a great feeling to come across people who are still highly aware, conscienced, producing, advancing, innovative. In a world where the evil and the wicked are in majority, there is a need for "good" people like them. If there is no one, the rest is just zero... Not only our babies, but also our patients and sailors are entrusted to them. Aykut and Burak, who walk to the top pace by pace; May your path be clear..